
[StoryOfVacay] Repeat Trip to Korea 2018 - Finish the Unfinish Day 1

6 years ago by satzim2u 0 comment
Hey ols, Aku baru je balik dari trip menjengah ke kampung halamanku. Hahaha So, this trip sebenarnya takdelah terlalu dirancang. Since ofismate Sis Liza kita tengah training 6 bulan kat HQ Suwon Korea,...

StoryOfMyLife - Biz Trip Turkey - Samsung Forum 2015

9 years ago by satzim2u 0 comment
Oh yeahh! Im the lucky one!!! Btw, kerja kat company ini sgt mencabar. Kiranya, kalau nk survive kena la pandai2 mengampu... yes, some people panggil ampu ni sebagai 'menjilat'. Disebabkan aku xde la...
Assalammualikum semua... After a very long time, Im back!! Macam la ada peminat tunggu nak baca blog ni kan. Nevermind, skang ni tengah semangat nk hapdet blog balik. You will see, nnt mesti...

(Satzim's Highlight...ep.11) Enjoy Malaysian Traditional Dance Competition Performance for only RM3 / entry this Mac 2013 in KL!!!

12 years ago by satzim2u 0 comment
Hi there!! Here is my very first entry, in English. so please ignore my bad grammar... hahah Especially for tourists, that planning to visit Malaysia (erk, is there any foreign visitor here??), here...

(Kurasakan sekarang...ep.24) Dah semester akhir! Kelas Bahasa Korea =)

12 years ago by satzim2u 0 comment
Alahamdulillah.. tik tok tik tok masa, sekejap sgt masa berlalu, skang dah masuk semester akhir pengajian dah.. kalau xde halangan tamat pengajian bulan Jun 2013, then my graduation will be in Oct la.......

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